Little White Pearls

tooth fairy, pearls, teethFor the past two and a half days, the throbbing has been unrelenting.

She presses her lips tightly together, sprinkles more glittery diamond dust on her wings, adjusts a strap on one of her tiny silver slippers, and sighs.

Sophie missing tooth

Another busy night ahead. Thanks to Sophie in Massachusetts, she counts 10,346 children to visit between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m., and the way little Timmy Tucker is pulling at his back left bicuspid as he says his prayers in Payette, Idaho, she’ll be visiting 10,347 children.

She places her white luminous hand on her swollen right cheek and moans. She doesn’t have time for this!

grasshopper bus, fairylandOnce she gets back home from her job, she’ll try for 40 winks and then up with her own children, boiling some henny penny eggs and squeezing some rose petal juice for them before putting them on the grasshopper bus to the firefly pre-school.

Husband Danny will want help counting the little white pearls she’s collected during the night to deliver to the fairy counter. The way expenses are going in Fairyville, she hopes some of the pearls are big ones tonight.

A particular painful twinge in her mouth makes her shudder. She flicks her wings and heads out the window, grinning despite herself.

Whoever heard of a tooth fairy with a toothache?tooth fairy, fairy story



40 thoughts on “Little White Pearls

    • Oh, I’m afraid the tooth fairy only visits those who believe. You DO believe, don’t you? If so, ask the white-coated doctor who pulls your white pearl to take it home and put it under your pillow. Think how happy Danny will be!


      • On a visit from Courtney…-
        I have a special treasure – a box of tiny offerings and notes in small boy-child hand writing; gifts for the Tooth Fairy on her days or rather nights off. I don’t mind keeping them for when she wants to visit.


  1. Your grandbabies must love you. No one can tell a story quite like you! Tooth fairy with a toothache indeed. 🙂 smiling with all my teeth and hoping all toothaches stay far, far away.


    • Oh my gosh, we certainly envisioned the Tooth Fairy in different ways, didn’t we? Ha Ha. That’s me, the ‘Pollyanna’ of storytelling. I enjoyed your ‘dark’ toothy poem.


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