My Desire Is Your Desire!

‘Meet Pamela Wight’ interview by Amy of  Reade and Write. Thanks so much, Amy. Twin Desires is now available in softback in Amazon!

Reade and Write


This week I welcome Pamela Wight to Reade and Write. Pam is the author of The Right Wrong Man and Twin Desires and I’m thrilled to have her on my blog! Bonus: I might even get to meet her this summer!

Tell me about your books.

I’ve published two romantic suspense novels: The Right Wrong Man and Twin Desires. What’s interesting is that the two main female characters in these books are extremely different from each other: Meredith (The Right Wrong Man) is feisty, funny, and self-confident. Sandra (Twin Desires) is shy, quiet, and unaware of her attractiveness.

The Right Wrong Man    Twin Desires

Who is the audience for your books?

Originally I thought my books would be read mostly by women; however, I dislike the phrase “women’s fiction,” because women read thrillers by men – like Harlan Coben and David Baldacci – so why shouldn’t men enjoy fast-paced…

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46 thoughts on “My Desire Is Your Desire!

    • What’s neat about Amy’s interview is that it helped me express how I feel about writing, about genre writing, and to show my pride in being a writer, hopefully without coming off self-centered. :-0


  1. I enjoyed reading your interview. I just downloaded Twin Desires and and looking forward to reading it, especially since it’s set in San Francisco. All the best in your new novel. That’s a great photo of you! 🙂


  2. Wonderful interview, Pam! What a treat to learn more about one of my favorite bloggers. I love Gone With the Wind…the movie, the book…love it! I’m off to download Twin Desires. I admire those who are able to co-author a book, that would be a huge challenge for me.


    • Ashley Brandt and I had such a good time with Twin Desires, we’re considering co-authoring another book of fiction. But first I have to finish my sequel to The Right Wrong Man. As you know, we writers never have enough hours. I CANNOT wait to read your book when it’s up and running.


  3. Really enjoyed finding out more about you Pam, and I’m impressed by the co-authoring. Writing is an intimate experience, and to share that space with another…that’s both brave and…inspiring! I also love that you challenge the gender divide in terms of genre and readership. And a third novel on the way… Hat off to you my friend 🙂 Love, Harula xxx


    • My co-author, Ashley, is deep into the kind of spaces you and I try to delve into, Harula, so no surprise that she and I had shared intuition on our characters. But I agree, usually writing is a more ‘alone’ experience. I just read a poem that was written by two poets; now, THAT I can’t imagine doing!

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      • LOL…makes me think about some of the poems I’ve seen written in groups I’ve held, where we pass it around the circle, adding one line at a time until they’re finished. The results go one of two ways – astounding…or hilarious 😉 H xx

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          • Exactly, so either a subject or a title, and it’s good if it has a form, so that it’s clear when it’s complete. I’ve used acrostics for this, haiku, a set number of rhyming couplets, or simply ’10 lines’ etc. So each person writes a first line, then passes their paper to the left. Whoever writes the last line reads the poem aloud (to great applause and/or great laughter…) Enjoy! H xxx

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            • I’m teaching a writing class this summer at the “Thoreau House,” (where Henry David Thoreau was born) with a new set of students, and I think this would be a great way to break the ice, so to speak. Thanks for the idea!

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    • I’m so thankful that Amy Reade gave me a chance to explain my writing process and the books I create. Now, maybe I’m ready to finish writing that children’s book I’ve been working on …!!! I read your reviews and get inspired.

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  4. It was fun to learn more about you through this interview, Pam. I think it’s wonderfully that you’ve published these two books and that your creative genius is going strong. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on the interview!! And great to see you have achieved publications of books – that takes great effort! Perhaps I could feature one of your books in my sidebar and latest post? I do that for blog friends occasionally. I don’t have books of my own, so it’s good to have some interesting links for readers to visit. Just let me know and I’ll include whatever one you’d prefer me to link to. 🙂


    • What an offer! Thanks Suzy. Hard to choose, but I think I’ll say The Right Wrong Man, since I’m the sole author and I just had the format updated on my Kindle (the softback is great, I say modestly ha ha). Let me know if you need any other info.


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