Her Muse

writing, creative writing, muse

Wight Muse by Mike Allegra.

Our name is Pamela Wight, but only she is a middle-aged woman.

She isn’t always middle-aged, and she isn’t always a woman.

At this point though, her Earth self is unable to comprehend the truth. But once, long ago and yet still now (on the time spectrum that surrounds us, even though most refuse to see it), she and I are one on an enchanted island of being.

You may say that I’m a liar, since I stated that we aren’t always a woman. In our world, the one of Endoplactum, we are not woman or man, girl or boy. We are light-hearted beings who float in and out of the soft rainbow of clouds and sun, of surprise and pain, of hope and despair.

We are not middle-aged on this island, nor are we young. On Endoplactum, we are not juveniles or elders, children or ‘don’t-even-think-of-asking-my-age.”

We are.

That’s it. We just are.

As an Endoplactum being, I watch my other self, the Pamela Wight on the mid-Earth spectrum, go through her short time span from birth to where she is now as a woman.

writing muse

The Kiss of the Muse by Paul Cezanne.

I feel sorry for her and all those who call themselves “human beings” in that sphere. So, I visit her – me – as often as possible. I show up in different forms, which is beyond fun. I’ve been a shadow on her bedroom wall (which wasn’t the best form, since one night she woke up, saw me – the shadow – dancing, and screamed bloody murder).

So more often, I’m the soft whisper in her ear, the sweet puppy who stops by for a pet, or even (and I just did this yesterday as she walked in the woods) the beautiful lime-green creature of the forest. Again, though, she screamed, calling me a “worm” and flinging me aside.

My most successful visitations occur when she’s writing her stories. I whisper in her ear. More action! Add magic! Dare to explore with those squiggles called letters!

I am her muse, and oh how I enjoy the stories we create.

writer, museBut shhhh, don’t tell her. She thinks she does it all on her Earthly own.



(Inspired by – and thanks to – Diana of Myths of the Mirror. Check out her fearsome muse!)


(Thanks to Google Images, and thanks to Mike Allegra for Pam’s doodle.)

121 thoughts on “Her Muse

  1. Oh Pam ‘s muse–so good to make your acquaintance! You’ve given
    Pam so many wonderful bits and pieces to use or not in her writings!
    Even though she’s not totally aware of you, she senses you through the thin veil. Keep up the good work–
    I really mean the great work!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very fun and creative post. Kudos to you Pam and your mystic muse. I’d love to see the shadow dancing and worm throwing! Your muse seems like a free spirit who might be a good influence on Muse Brad. Maybe we can borrow her? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have met Diana’s muse. Now I get to meet yours – fabuloso! Your story sounds like a more fanciful version of a Madeleine l’Engle quote I love: “The great part about getting older is that you don’t lose the other ages you’ve been.” That’s why as an earthling I remain a young 49 and holding. 🙂

    Thank you for always spreading the joy here, Pam!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhh, you’ve made my heart bigger, quoting Madeleine L’Engle here (one of my favorite authors). I had not heard that quote. How wise it is! Today I’m 38. Yesterday I was 52. Go figure! But as my muse reminds us, age is of no consequence in the ‘real’ realm of timelessness. xo


  4. What a fun way to explore this journey we call life. I’m going to pay closer attention to see if I have a Muse… I could sure use the help.
    Happy Weekend to you in whatever form your choosing to be at the moment. 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ah, what a fine, empathetic muse, you have, Pam.

    Unfortunately, Diana and you have now inspired my own muse. In fact, she insists on writing a guest post on my blog. (“It’s not like *you’ve* been using it lately,” she crabbily observed.) So I have her slated for next week.

    My muse is a bit of a pest, actually. May I borrow yours sometime?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve read that anyone who is an artist has a muse so of course you have a muse. Wonderful to meet you , Mrs. or Ms. Muse and not the moose of the north woods, I hope. You just keep on listening to your muse and you’ll continue to write books and stories that keep us enthralled. Pam, you always have something interesting to read. No matter the subject.


  7. Pingback: A gathering of muses | Facets of a Muse

  8. Pure magic and a delight to meet Pam’s muse…a loving ethereal wispy being…well-meaning although gets it slightly wrong with her approaches at times! 😀 May she continue to whisper and encourage quietly, creatively and the two work in unknowing harmony! ❤️ Squiggle (brilliant word) away with those letters!!


  9. I ABSOLUTELY loved this! Just my kind of blog. 🙂 There are just so many parts of self and the world that move through consciousness…for those open to the muses of existence.


  10. Pamela, I stepped back in time and found your muse post and am anxiously awaiting to see this new fearful story you have chronicled! Each time I started a piece out of sequence and now must stay in order. 💖
    My muse would keep me in perpetual childish behaviors but would care with the weight of the world. I would love an escape and finally booked my first jet plane flight since my late twenties! New Orleans’ French Quarters and college dear friend’s home in Long Beach, Mississippi. Yay! Not an island but a real escape back to ages 18-22. 😀


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