From Dawn to Dusk

mountains, flash fictionDawn turned to Dusk.

Dusk turned to Dawn. Six times.

And then I could wait no longer.

So I ignored psychic Aurora’s “suggestion” to go on as if nothing had happened. Too much was at stake. (See last week’s Fear of Dawn.)

I blamed Todd, of course. His pursuit of me had seemed so genuine until I realized that his professed love was actually “gem”uine.

The night before I had sought the “Spirit Goddess,” halfway through a romantic dinner that Todd had planned with caviar and candlelight, he slyly asked, “Eve, are you any relation to Hal the Huntsman?”

“How’d you know about Uncle Hal?” I asked, astonished and naïve.

Todd shrugged. “You both have the same last name, and you’re both wealthy.”

My brain began to flash warning signals. I never told Todd about my family wealth, nor did I flaunt the fact that I was worth millions. Purposely, I wore faded jeans and tops from Target, scuffed shoes and no jewelry.

That’s when I figured out why handsome, debonair, out-of-my-league Todd was attracted to me.

After a slow sip of my cabernet, I widened my eyes with innocence and said, “As a matter of fact, Uncle Hal just told me a secret about his treasure.”treasure map, flash fiction

“I knew it!” Todd exclaimed, his fist banging on the white-linened table before he realized he needed to play it cool. “I mean, just now I put two and two together. Your uncle is the mastermind of the mysterious map.”

I nodded, egging him on. “I think it’s a weird way to share some of his money, but according to my dad, Unc Hal has always been an odd duck.”

“So your uncle really did hide a hidden chest filled with gold coins worth . . .”

treasure chest, flash fiction“Two million dollars, to be exact, mostly gems and some diamonds, though.” My stomach lurched to see the naked greed in Todd’s eyes. “Thousands of people are following his clues to find his treasure chest.”  

Todd hung on to my every word: “So he told you a secret about his map?”

“Why do you care?” I asked him, deciding to be direct. “Are you a treasure hunter?”

Todd immediately claimed no interest, but I knew better.treasure hunt, forests

“Just as well,” I assured him. “Unc Hal told me everyone was rushing to Squaw Mountain Trail in Colorado, when in fact, he placed the chest at the foot of a crooked birch on Big Squaw Mountain in Maine.” I giggled. “I wonder how long it will take for anyone to figure that out?”

Sure enough, the next day, Todd was gone. Disappeared.

I texted Uncle Hal. “I think we need to stop this hunt.”

“Why?” he texted back. “Three people are close. They’re in Colorado, and near the trail.”

Yes. Colorado.

I led Todd to the wrong mountain.

In the wrong state.

And a week later, Todd was still missing.

My phone bleeped a text and I gasped when I saw Aurora’s message:

psychic“Dawn Turned to Dusk. Come. NOW!”


Thanks to Google Images.

71 thoughts on “From Dawn to Dusk

    • The surprising thing, Balroop, is that Todd’s adventure is based on real-life happenings as reported in the news. YES, a real treasure hunt initiated by a wealthy (and perhaps a bit eccentric) man. !!


  1. Addictive writing, Pam! 😀 I love the twists and turns of this story, so glad she saw through Todd and she had the sense to send him to the wrong mountain, in the wrong state…but what’s the meaning of text! You’re the queen of cliffhangers!! Have a superb weekend! 😀🌻❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Treasure and a treasure hunter. I like it. Concocting a story post by post reminds me of a game my daughter, my nine-year-old grandson and I played a few weeks ago. It’s called “Fortunately, unfortunately.” By taking turns adding to the story, we came up with some interesting plot twists. Have you tried the game?

    Liked by 1 person

    • WHAT A GREAT GAME! No, I haven’t played it, but you can believe that I’m going to the next time I get together with my 9-year-old granddaughter. So the first person starts the story with “Fortunately…” and starts a story for, say, 3 minutes? Then the next person takes over, starting with “Unfortunately..” etc. ?


      • Yes, something like that. I think the first person just starts; then he ends with “unfortuately.” The next person ends with “fortunately,” and they go back and forth like that. We didn’t set a time, but each person did end up talking for about 3 minutes.


  3. This is an interesting twist on pursuing someone for the “nurse or purse” benefits, though I suspect Todd is not old, nor is the narrator.

    Yes, you DO have the write the end of the story on Friday! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Dawn’s Escape at Dusk | roughwighting

  5. It seems you’ve got us readers on a treasure hunt of our own here. I love your use of flashback in this entry.

    And I found myself smirking at this: “My stomach lurched to see the naked…” I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the word naked here is brilliant. It seems she started the date in a manner that might have led to a less stomach-lurching nakedness later that night; but Todd’s greed has turned the stomach butterflies … to a lurch at his “nakedness.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m thrilled that you’re reading all 3 of my connected ‘flash fiction’ posts, Erik. I think I did use the word “naked” purposely, but to be honest, when I start writing, the words just pour out – right or wrong, purposely or unintentionally. I just go along for the ride.


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