Holiday Puzzler

flower, blogging, poem,How do we celebrate while we hide in our

Abodes, waiting for a vaccine, waiting for

Peace of mind, waiting for life to

Pierce our inertia with hope that we can soon say

Yes to traveling and hugging and eating out again?

jigsaw puzzle, puzzle, bird puzzle







Home has been our one and

Only safety net, which we’ve filled with our

Love of baking and Zooming and working on

Incredible 1,000-piece puzzles of birds that

Demand our attention until we suddenly

Admit we’re doing okay, even though we

Yearn for health and happiness in 2021.

Dr. Fauci, Christmas, ornament

Happy Holidays to my friends, far and wide.


154 thoughts on “Holiday Puzzler

  1. Most of us are doing OK in our sweet and precious homes, even though we long for a return to normalcy and hugs and flying to visit loved ones. Happy Holy-days to you, dear friend!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I couldn’t agree more. Hugging loved ones and air travel are the two things I’m looking forward to most in 2021. Both are sensory experiences you and I (and others) have been deprived of this year.

    Our governor dispenses the vaccine to nursing homes today – Yay! Hope on the horizon, I say!

    Thanks for the post and for the creativity behind it. I’m certainly blessed to connect with you here, Pam!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. That puzzle looks like fun. Wonderful Acrostic “poem,” Pam. Such well-expressed thoughts that many of us feel at this time. Had to chuckle over Dr. Fauci on the couchie.
    All the best for a happy and peaceful, and especially healthy Christmas.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. There’s something wonderful about seeing the tail end of 2020. The new year feels so much more light and hopeful. A few more patient months and it will be time to hug, eat out, travel, and celebrate with family and friends face to face. ❤ ❤ Happy Holidays to you too, my friend.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. As usual, Pam, you’ve summed up our lives perfectly in this fun and accurate Holiday Puzzler!!!! Somehow this Christmas has become more meaningful!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hugs to you Sue, even though virtual it comes with much thanks for visiting my blog often and your wonderful comments! Thought of you Thursday when we got a foot of snow. Just “a little snow shower” to you! ❄️ ⛄️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Holiday Puzzler – Rushnaf

  7. Changing the colours is relaxing for my eyes. A fun effect, Pam. And, I immediately get it on the “Happy Holiday.”

    You remind me how I read a recent news article on the paradox off social distancing when we need hugs the most. I love your ornament. It makes me smile today and when I saw it on Instagram. 🙂 We have had a few recent challenges, part of them I will share in my next post. Therefore, delayed in reading my favourite blogs. ❤️ Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.

    Liked by 3 people

    • You mentioned in an earlier post that you like the way I change colors (usually of paragraphs) in my posts, so I keep doing it. It really worked here so readers could “get” that this was an acrostic poem. I’m glad you saw what I was doing. I look forward to reading more about what’s going on with you and your family. I send you a HUGE hug, even if it has to be virtual. To Christmas Future… ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Pam, thank you for your beautiful and imaginative holiday poem encompassing the year, our hopes for the near future! ‘Doing okay’ counts for a lot these days! I love your jigsaw puzzle, the birds are so vibrant and life-like, as if they want to take flight from the table! I’m smiling how just the background needs to be finished off!

    Wishing you a very safe and relaxing holiday, my friend! Xx ❤️🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    • Perhaps “doing okay” should be the mantra for 2020. For 2021, let’s make it “Doing GREAT!!” 🙂 Since I wrote the post, puzzle background is complete …except for 4 missing pieces. Sort of like this year – a number of missing pieces. ;-0 Love and Joy to you, Annika.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi, Pam – Have I told you before how much I admire your writing? This post is another example of why that is!
    We are all in this together — and how we respect each other now will make the biggest impact on the new year ahead.
    Wishing you a warm, happy and peaceful holiday!

    Liked by 3 people

    • THANK you, Donna. I write what I feel. Some people wear their hearts on their sleeve – I have my writing pen on my sleeve. 🙂 (Well, you know what mean). To peace and upcoming REAL hugs and always, no matter what, joy and love in our lives. ❤

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  10. Pingback: Holiday Puzzler – Site Title

  11. Pingback: Holiday Puzzler – writer's blog

  12. Pingback: Holiday Puzzler — roughwighting | Annaliese Griffin's Writing Ramblings Dot Com

  13. Home is where the heart is and I’m so happy that we have a cozy home with lots of choices on how to stay busy…I do miss my friends and eating out and most especially my weekly visit with the boys and I hope those are not gone forever. Wishing you and yours all the best going forward Pam…and if you need any puzzles we have a mess of them here also. Jim is big on puzzles…I actually had to give him a puzzle table last year for his birthday. LOL

    Liked by 2 people

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