With a Little Help from My Friends

Fear not the vast emptiness of the universe for

Right beside you, surrounding you with understanding,

Identifying your needs and wants and supplying

Endless support as you laugh and cry, and even when

Nothing seems focused or centered in your world,

Damn if your friends don’t suddenly

Smile, and your world becomes sunshine.

friendship, shorebirds, sun rises

40 thoughts on “With a Little Help from My Friends

  1. Pam, that was one of the best acrostic poems I’ve seen in a long time. Without our friends, life would be in black-and-white instead of color. Thanks for this!


    • Well, your praise means a lot, considering your own incredible blog and writing. Your last “Attaboy” post was thought-provoking and well-written. Anyway, here’s to a colorful world with our friends.


  2. Pam, I woke up with a lingering dream in which I was saying to someone that I needed good friends. And then this came in the morning mail 🙂 Thank you!


  3. Friends near, friends far, even friends from other blogs, bring light, laughter, encouragement and hugs, just when they are needed. Friends, and necessary part of life. Lovely post. Thanks.


    • You just gave me the chills (the good kind, the kind that I get when I receive honored praise). Thank you!!! (and thank you for YOUR recent on-line support re my gravatar!)


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