Green Hope

plant, home plants, green, love“‘Be Bop a Lula,’” he says.


“That’s her name, ‘Be Bop a Lula.’”

Jill inwardly rolls her eyes. Jason has been softly pushing her for more during the last year. More time together, more intimacy, more thoughts of moving in together. She’s a ‘less is more’ kind of woman. At least, that’s what she’s become.

“Why is that the plant’s name?” Jill asks, pointing to the hanging plant in his hand. Continue reading

The Keeper

bleeding heart, personal blogGeorgie met the perfect man.

Well, of course, he couldn’t be perfect. He was a man: stubborn, moody at times, and he insisted on balancing his checkbook on Friday evenings.

But still. Travis was kind, thoughtful, nice-looking, and for some reason, he almost automatically fell in love with Georgie.

So it only took three weeks, instead of her usual two months, to consider sleeping with him. But Travis gave her a strange warning: “I’ve been told I make funny noises when I sleep.”

Continue reading

Second-in-Line or Love?“Your brain is too polite, Martha,” my sister tells me over the phone.

“WHAT?” I’m annoyed with Janet anyway, just out of principle, but this is just too much. “What the heck is that supposed to mean?”

Janet chuckles, raising my ire even further. She’s older than me by three years and always acts like it. She’s the wiser one, the better one, the patronizing one. Continue reading

As Easy as ABC

walking, woods, path









Although I need to be part of the world that consists of

Bees and dirt, trees and highways, humans and

Confusion, hate and division, wonder and waste

Destruction and construction of a solid space, I

Envy those who find it easy to close their eyes and

Find themselves in another place, another dimension

Green with hope and love and vibrantly violet with

Happiness that shines through the windows of their souls. Continue reading