A Covenant Between the Pages

One of my friends, Esther, sends an e-mail to a group of us declaring, “Hello, Beautiful(s). Excuse me while I disappear!

“What? Wait!” Judy demands in a return group e-mail. She’s the most assertive of my college friends who have stayed in touch through so many years. “Listen to the wisdom of the Silver Sisters. Us, your friends for years! Or use your own constructive thinking. You’ll feel better when the rain ends. Otherwise, there’s no coming back from this decision.” Continue reading


https://pixabay.com/photos/hand-knocker-door-ancient-handle-4036918/Lucka_S For days I’d heard the soft knocking that I couldn’t place. Had Rocky returned? Last year I named the large woodpecker that pecked on my living room window, “Rocky.” I finally googled what to do about birds who nearly kill themselves knocking on windows, and I closed the curtain for two months until the light changed the reflection. I haven’t seen Rocky since.

But still. Knock Knock. Knock. A light tapping. 

Continue reading

Fifty Shades of Pink

lingerie, laundry room Paula stepped away, holding back a scream when the neighbor who had just moved into the apartment above her entered the shared laundry room, saying softly: “Is there a problem?” (In the Laundry Room, continuing from last week…)

“Oh. Um. Hello! It’s Stefan, isn’t it? Hi. I’m Paula.” Paula nodded her head as if in a business meeting, berating herself silently. He’s creepy!

Stefan ignored her as he glared at the laundry in her hands. “I believe those are my jeans. And Darlene’s nightgown.” Continue reading