Battling claustrophobia, I take my first steps

Onto the plane, my hand blessing the metal while using

X-ray vision to imagine a beam of light spreading and

Entering the entire flying trap, averting

Disaster with the concentration of a wizard.

I sink into my seat, breathing in and out deeply,

Needing to imagine myself anywhere but here.

clouds, flying

Wish me luck as I “take off” on a quick adventure. My next post resumes in two weeks. Fly high, my friends!

123 thoughts on “BOXED IN

    • Iā€™m with you, Lori. Those who donā€™t experience claustrophobia donā€™t understand how debilitating it can be. What I do to make it through a flight is open a book and escape into that world so I try to forget that Iā€™m really in an airplane. šŸ˜

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  1. Have a wonderful time, Pam. And remember flying is the safest form of transportation! It’s just hard to give yourself over to two people wearing captain’s bars in the cockpit. Safe journey!

    Liked by 3 people

    • The flying itself does not bother me. I am always moved and amazed at the scenery below. Itā€™s the tight space that makes my head spin. But it certainly is easier and faster to see far away friends and relatives thanks to air transportation. āœˆļøšŸ’™


    • Thanks for understanding the courage it takes for me to get onto that airplane. I did blog once about me entering a plane and five minutes later turning around and running back out. Talk about embarrassing! šŸ˜³ Hope youā€™re having a fabulous week. XO


    • How I wish I had your attitude, Patricia. I chant a mantra as the plane takes off and I donā€™t dare swerve from singing the same song also every time I fly. So far, itā€™s worked! šŸ˜¬šŸ™ƒšŸ˜†


    • Once here, I wonder what the problem was and Iā€™m so grateful I flew to see family and friends. But now Iā€™m gritting my teeth at the idea of the flight back. But I know that I am so lucky to be able to do this. Happy week to you!


  2. Bless you, Pam…you mirror my fear exactly!!šŸ˜€ ‘Entering the entire flying trap’!! How brilliantly you reflect the moment and it is an intense feeling of being trapped. I really like the layout of the poem to the words of Boxed In…neat! I hope the flight went well and look forward to hearing all about your trip away. Hugs from a snow-swept UK!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Iā€™m so excited for you that you have snow! I remember when you flew to Florida-was that a year ago now? I didnā€™t know that you and I share a dislike of enclosed spaces, but Iā€™m not surprise. Weā€™re both birds in flightā€¦ šŸ¦…šŸ˜„

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  3. Not a fan of flying either, especially with how difficult it has become over the years. Not knocking the security measures, they’re important, but you have to set aside a whole day just to travel!

    Hope it went well!

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s it exactly, Kate. One day for us to fly to the other coast, another day to return. We arrive to the airport two hours early so not to stress. And believe me, I am the LAST person who enters the plane before the door closes. :—0


  4. Beautifully expressed.

    I’m usually fine with the claustrophobia of riding on a plane. If I let my mind go that way, I can imagine how boxed in and frightened I would feel. With all the transcontinental flights I’ve had to take, it’s a good thing I’ve been able to settle down and enjoy it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve gotten much better flying with less anxiety over the years. I’m not afraid of the flying, per se, and love love looking out the window. I still can’t imagine WHY people close their shade as soon as the plane takes off. The scenery is mindboggling. ā¤


  5. Oh boy Pamela…we are more alike than different…this is the second post of yours that mirrors some of my feelings…I know what claustophia feels like and more…someday we will sit and talk but for now, just keep going, it’s the only to not let it take complete control of you…You are doing o.k. and the more times you fight it and win…the easier it gets…
    I also fly now but my list of tricks to get it done is interesting but I go and when the wheels hit the ground, I take off running…and I do enjoy.
    Happy holidays ahead for you is what I’m wishing. I don’t think I’ll get another blog post up before the holidays…I’m to far behind here.

    Take good care of yourself…

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oh, I definitely have tricks up my sleeve to get on that metal flying device. I bless the plane, I surround it with white light, I smile and joke with the air flight attendants. And you know what? So far it’s worked! šŸ™‚ Merry Merry Christmas my friend.


  6. I enjoyed your poem and only hope you enjoyed your flight, My sister is a sufferer and will not fly because of it.
    I wish you a wonderful two weeks of Bliss, and enjoy a wonderful and Happy Christmas with your family Pamela ..
    Love and Blessings.
    Sue šŸ™‚ ā¤

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  7. Not sure if I posted you a note or not here. Hope the flight went well! I am sure the x-ray vision of light and love will protect you 100% from now to eternity and you will never need to use it again! xoxoxo

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  8. I’m glad you had an opportunity to have an escape, Pam! Everyone should try new things or repeat exciting moments.
    I had such fun on my trip to New Orleans and Long Beach! I’m thrilled with your beautiful plane photo with the sunny reflection on the wing.
    So glad you made it home and I loved your poem! xo šŸ’—šŸ•Š

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      • Thank you, thank you! I think this was such a thoughtful consideration, Pam. Travel is worth the hassle for those great reasons you mentioned. Hope this next year either stays at the same level of joy or exceeds it for you and yours! šŸŽ† šŸŽ€
        ps. The same level is for me good since I am blessed to see my Mom and to see progress in my brother, Randy. šŸ’ž


  9. Oh boy, do I identify with this post! I am on the train returning home from Washington because we did not want to fly there! Not only does claustrophobia bother me on planes, but the anxiety makes the entire trip difficult! Not that Amtrak has been without problems lately . . .

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    • I totally ‘get’ it. I’ve taken the train from Boston to NYC, to Philadelphia, to DE, and to DC. It’s marginally better than the airplane re claustrophobia. But I still get motion sick on the train, so have to look out the window with a focused stare… and pray. šŸ™‚ But… worth it once we get to our destination, right? I hope you had a wonderful trip. And thanks so much for reading my blog and commenting. ā¤

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  10. OMG! I cannot stand flying! I’m claustrophobic, too! Thank goodness many flights now have tv and movies you can choose from right at your seat. On Jet Blue and Delta, I flick through all the tv channels non-stop as I attempt to make myself forget I’m on a plane. I also watch movies I’ve seen 300 times, and keep a constant eye on the flight map. It gets me through. Wow. I’m making myself nervous just writing this!

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