What do YOU think?

clouds, photography, Hawaii, sunriseHas it been a month already? A month since the unthinkable happened? A month since my life, and yours, and his, and hers, and all of ours, changed irrevocably. A month since the sky opened and the inconceivable occurred, but truly, it wasn’t improbable.

People have been forecasting this for years, decades, centuries. The only surprising thing is how long it took. Continue reading


https://pixabay.com/photos/hand-knocker-door-ancient-handle-4036918/Lucka_S For days I’d heard the soft knocking that I couldn’t place. Had Rocky returned? Last year I named the large woodpecker that pecked on my living room window, “Rocky.” I finally googled what to do about birds who nearly kill themselves knocking on windows, and I closed the curtain for two months until the light changed the reflection. I haven’t seen Rocky since.

But still. Knock Knock. Knock. A light tapping. 

Continue reading

Out of This World

https://pixabay.com/photos/stars-constellation-universe-twins-2633893/ geraltJoan strolled around the tropical complex on a soft evening dotted above with stars.

Her trip to this island had been everything she hoped for on a solitary October vacation, escaping a stress-filled job, worrisome aging parents, and a soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. The days melted into each other as she strolled for hours on secluded beaches, sat at the ocean-view bar and slowly savored pink-umbrella drinks, avoiding the curious glances of those with family or lovers.Kauai, sunset, relaxation, Halloween story Continue reading