Ordinary Miracles

Boston Pops, orchestra, Keith Lockhart. Boston SymphonyOn an ordinary Thursday night, I’m out with my guy and a group of his old-time college friends celebrating a reunion at a spring-time Boston Pops concert.

Conducted by the magnificent Keith Lockhart, remarkable orchestrated music is made accessible at Boston Symphony Hall as we sit around intimate round tables with drinks, a program, and some of the best music in the world.

Doug LaBrecque, Boston Pops

Doug LaBrecque singing Ordinary Miracles at Boston Pops.

On this night, the Pops celebrate Marvin Hamlisch, songwriter extraordinaire, who concocted such delicious treats as the music scores for A Chorus Line and The Sting (among many) and Oscar-winning songs like The Way We Were and Nobody Does It Better (remember Carly Simon singing this for James Bond?).

But halfway through the show, Broadway singer Doug LaBrecque arrives on stage declaring,  “To me, this song is Marvin’s most brilliant creation.” He opens his mouth and a voice caresses us like a wave of velvet and vanilla, joined by verses that vibrate through my soul. Here’s a version by Barbra Streisand:


Change can come on tip-toe,
Love is where it starts.
It resides, often hides, deep within our hearts.
And just as pebbles make a mountain, raindrops make a sea,
One day at a time, change begins with you and me.
Ordinary miracles happen all around

Oh my, isn’t this the truth?

How do we sometimes miss these ordinary miracles that surround us daily, assuring us that life is more than bills and business plans; more than back pain and bullies; more than grumpy bosses, traffic jams, and dirty laundry?

The following evening, my daughter and I (and our very significant others) meet for dinner. She and I wear surprised smiles as we check out each other’s attire – unplanned black and white stripes – that bring us many chuckles and “stripes of the same color” jokes from dining strangers.

daughters, mothers, love, family, ordinary miraclesAn ordinary miracle for our extraordinary special mother/daughter time.

What’s your ordinary miracle today?

Do you dare acknowledge each and every one?