How Do YOU Do Nothing?

porch, rocking chair, doing nothing, New England relaxingWhat do you do when you’re told to do nothing?

That’s been my dilemma this past week after a distracted driver (ie, texting) plowed into me and my guy as we headed to Delaware to visit my mom.

We never made it. Damage to car and persons was better than expected, except I got a concussion.

I won’t go into the discomfort and the fear as my body showed me in many ways that I had to stop, which I didn’t do until I finally visited my doctor, who set forth a five-day-rule: Continue reading

A Dawn Dilemma from A to Z

dawn, New EnglandA few minutes after dawn, I notice some movement outside my window.

Because it’s summer, with flowers blooming wildly and birds singing as if there’s no tomorrow, I assume some kind of wildlife has entered my yard.

Cracking open the back door, I peek out. Despite my admiration for foxes and wild turkeys, I don’t necessary want to tiptoe out into the yard and run into any family squabbles. Continue reading

Leaving Behind (Tissue) Crumbs lost is a hazard in my everyday life. Thus, routine can feel safe and cozy.

Normally, when I leave the house with my brain wired for, let’s say – “grocery store” – I barely think about how I turn left out of the driveway, right down the hill, and then left onto the Boulevard. Instead, I concentrate on work (shoot, did I send off that e-mail to the Board?) or family (should I buy the grandkids the wacky whale t-shirt, or will my daughter-in-law hate it?) or my guy (anniversary coming up – can I convince him we should celebrate with a weekend trip to ‘fill-in-the-blank’?).

Before the answer forms, I’m parked in front of the grocery store.

But now, we’ve just moved to a new state, a new town, and a million ways for me to get lost. Continue reading