A Thanksgiving Dance

dog, golden, walkWe peer out the window and watch the leaves dance dramatically in the fresh late autumn air. The burnt reds, dulled oranges, and browns are gay in their jig, and we stop resisting the urge to go out and join the party.

After pulling on my navy jacket, I bark a quick “Let’s go” to the dog and the two of us race to a path that leads to the wildlife refuge – a marsh hidden with a wild kingdom. Ten minutes later we walk on the trail that circles the large estuary, covered with tall brown reeds, cat’s tails, and grasses.

I’m disappointed though; not much wildlife in sight. The geese honk overhead. The red-winged black bird has already flown south for the coming winter.

Photo by Susan Licht. (http://lichtyears.wordpress.com/)

Photo by Susan Licht. (http://lichtyears.wordpress.com/)

My dog stands as still as a stone though, his golden ears raised higher than a giraffe’s. Yes!  Suddenly with a swoosh like a hundred taffeta dresses moving in synchronicity on the dance hall, hundreds of hidden ducks swirl out of the water and up into the air.

The sound moves me like no other, and I feel connected to the land, the sky, and to a hidden God just revealed.

Giving thanks to all that makes us dance, laugh, and love in a sometimes dark and chaotic world.

15 thoughts on “A Thanksgiving Dance

  1. How lovely! I felt like I was there with you. Yes, through all the hustle and bustle of the holidays (and at other times as well), I sometimes prefer to just go out and connect with nature, to wonder at a sunrise or sunset, and yes, to even watch as the snow drifts into amazing shapes.


  2. Nothing like taking a walk and enjoying nature, really does remind us that there’s still beauty to be found in these dark times. Thanks for including my photo here…I love Callie’s beautiful image, I’m off to check out her blog!


    • Thank you for letting me show off one of your beautiful photographs; your photos always remind us of the beauty and grace in nature, large and small.
      I know the Great Meadow is one of your stomping grounds – lucky you!


  3. Giving thanks for you and the opportunity to read your stories and feel the Pamela shining in between the words. I like that you barked. tee hee.


    • Henry has taught me the barking language – amazing, how many nuances there are! Right now, I’m sending you a happy bark to you and yours in your beautiful little neck of the woods.


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