fog, san Francisco bay, palm tree






We need to be sensible, we’re told,

yet if we forgo the sensitive, our poems won’t unfold.

I prefer mystery and magic to battle the cold

of those who always say “not that way” in a scold.

May we find a way that our souls can hold

a certain routine while we create our own mold.

stonehenge, san francisco by, mystical, magic

In response to the prompt: write about the sensible and the sensitive.

112 thoughts on “THE CREATIVE

  1. I love this Pam, and it’s so true. We really must be prepared to overrule sensible sometimes if we’re to let in anything new, otherwise nothing new will come and nothing creative can happen. Lovely poem, and with you 100% my sensitive sweet friend! AND I got to be first to like it! Now THAT’S made my day! Love, Harula xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pam, I’ll always go with the magic and mystery! 😀 Being told to reign in the creative spirit and be sensible is a sure way to erase the gift of imagination! Beautiful and thoughtful reflections! Hugs, my friend! ❤️

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  3. Great writing Pam, I love the play between sensitive and sensible.

    Yes, without sensitive poems won’t flow but a dollop of sensible won’t harm.
    It need to be of another type of sensible though, not totally bound in rules.

    Don’t tempt me to give examples.


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  4. To Pamela of the Warrior clan,

    Your ‘Magic and Mystery’ makes me too bold, perhaps, but I feel your lovely refrain needs more than just an ordinary, thank you, to wit:

    “What do sentimental poetic words mean
    in the scheme of things?” asks a man of greed.”
    “So glad you ask, you pompous ass
    who hires and fires disregarding soulful need.
    They mean that man must feed his soul
    as well as pay his rent.”
    “Gibberish, a man does what he has to do,
    just as it was meant.”
    “Of course, you fool,
    but, with a heart of good intent.”
    “Get out of my office and
    have your inanity.””
    “Gladly, Sir, but accept,
    please, my profanity:
    You damned disgusting fool.”
    “My, my, my man, you’ve gone
    and lost your ‘cool’.”

    Warrior friend #1 – BRC

    (Oh, incidentally, I saw you and your book in the ;Warrior Alumni Magazine!’ Jolly good show, dear Pam!) ♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes!!! Don’t let fear of being rejected, ridiculed, or misunderstood stand in your way . . . you can’t please all of the people all of the time. When you feel inspiration tugging on your sleeve, be curious and follow it to see where it leads. Curiosity and Creativity are congenial companions.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You strike a nice balance, Pam, your sensitivity allowing you to create rhymes that ring true.

    I try not to be like Jane Austen’s Marianne, who let her passions rule, nearly dying from walks in the cold rain, thinking about Willoughby.

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    • When younger, I think our sensitivities could overwhelm us (think: passions and pain like Austen’s Marianne). It takes a bit of maturity to figure out how to balance the sense with the sensibility, for sure. ❤

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  7. I LOVE this poem. You might get me to love and understand poetry yet. I’m a VERY sensible person!! But even more sensitive and I love magic and mystery above the sensible. They would be my first choice. I cannot be sensible when it comes to books or creative materials. Oh dear. Maybe I’m on the wrong shelf. See what you’ve done to me? Haha. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I LOVE your response. I think this poem was meant for you. And I think your response has opened up an understanding within yourself: you’re more sensitive than sensible. Aha! Now go read a good book. I think you’re ALWAYS on the right shelf. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • THANK you, and Happy Easter to you. A late Easter this year, so we’re celebrating that there’s no snow on the ground, and plenty of colorful eggs under the azalea bushes. 🙂 ❤


  8. I like your sentiments here. Sensible has to go out of the window sometimes for our true colours and true voice to show. No holding back 😀 Mystery and magic sounds nice anytime too 😀😀

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  9. Lovely and wise words, Pam, and so eloquently expressed. I was just thinking about this today, actually; thinking about all the writing teachers and writer’s groups that kinda steered me off the track when I was young. Thank goodness I had a chance to mature and make my own decisions; continue to shape my skills and craft the way I thought was best. Thanks for this great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jet, this is one of the things I encounter as a creative writing teacher (and yes, I taught Creative Writing for FUN in Tiburon/Belvedere for 15 years!) – so many men and women come to me downcast about their writing because a ‘teacher’ had told them they didn’t ‘do it’ the right way, or that they shouldn’t write about a certain topic, etc. How I love watching the expressions on their faces when they’re allowed to shine their own light in their own words, in their own creative writing, without being told “NOT THAT WAY.”


  10. I have an ultra-sensible side to me which has absolutely interfered with my creative, risk-taking side. My sensible side won out most of my life. I have to remind myself that it’s had its turn. Time for creativity and risky business to get some airtime. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhh, Kate, I know exactly what you mean —- how we battle with our “practical” side and the other side that says “forget about what we SEE – write and think and experience what you FEEL” For me, my battle is getting “out of the clouds” (as I’ve been accused of doing) and trying to be more practical. Well, you know what? The clouds are much more fun up here. 🙂


    • You are a true poet – I just have “fun” with my words in rhyme and words-so-fine (from time to time). Thanks for following me at Roughwighting! I’m inspired by your new book and your promotion. I wonder if Rob does trailers for other authors?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks, happy to be here:) There is fun in writing poetry for sure. If Rob did trailers for authors I’m positive they would be spectacular!

        Liked by 1 person

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