Fifteen Minutes

rainy day, TV daytime show, divorce, TV interview, rain from the inside, Bing Co-Pilot DesignWhy I turned on the TV at 9:30 this morning I don’t know. I never watch daytime shows, but the rain is coming down in a Biblical way. The sound of it beating on top of my roof and against the windows makes me lonely. And not a little frightened.

At 52 years of age, I, Rachel C. Simpson, have seen my share of scary days – joblessness, friends who leave, divorce, relatives who die – that’s the real scary stuff, but for some reason this unrelenting rain has given me a sense of doom.

talk show hosts, daytime TV, 15 minutes of fame, Bing Co-Pilot DesignA cheery mindless TV daytime show on a bright and happy set seems like a great idea. As my TV lights up, I recognize the host and hostess – Kelly something and her husband. God, I can’t imagine a husband-and-wife team needing to be perky every morning despite their last night’s arguments.

I shake my head at my bitter woman’s thoughts of marriage. No wonder I’ve been divorced for five years.

As I dust the top of the TV table, I turn up the volume. Who’d they say is their guest?

I walk closer to the screen and narrow my eyes, then Stop. Dead. Still.

HIM! Joseph R. Buckle! Yes, that’s who they introduce, but my Joey – or the man who used to be my Joey – never went by “Joseph.”

He stands front and center of the set, accepting the applause as if he deserves it. For what?

The three of them sit. Joseph/Joey is positioned a bit to the right so the hosts can barrage him with questions. Let me add that Joey/Joseph looks decades younger than his 61 years. His hair is dark and sleek. His physique trim and muscular. What has he done to himself?

“Your memoir has gripped the nation,” Kelly starts.

I feel like I’m going to throw up. His memoir?

She continues: “It just got a rave review in the Sunday’s NY Times book section. We’re delighted we could get you on such short notice.” Fifteen minutes of fame, Bing Co-pilot Design

Joey turns on his customary shit-eating grin as he replies, “Well, first let me thank my ex-wife, Rachel Simpson. Without her, um, inspiration, I’d never have written this memoir.”

I sink on the sofa and moan. Oh no. No No No. Is he going to bring up the fact that I killed his mother?

My head rolls back, and everything goes black just as I hear Kelly say, “Well, every mother-in-law will be riveted by your book.”

108 thoughts on “Fifteen Minutes

  1. I’m torn between thinking good thing she actually turned on the TV and found out this way and wishing the whole ignorance is bliss idea – which would have been a question of time before people came a-calling…

    You had us riveted to the page!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. surprise! Of course I need more. Please! It was mistake to put down that new slippery rug, an accident, not murder. Joey is a creep!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That was so good, Pam. I wondered where you were going with this. Based on the title, I thought it was going to be a fifteen-minutes-of-fame story, and then I saw the TV screen. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • I created that TV screen illustration from Bing copilot design – A I . It is kind of fun to fool around with. But I never create my stories from an illustration. I write the stories first and then see what might go with it. Of course, illustrations are great at catching a reader’s interest. 😙

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love reading your works Pam and seeing the responses from your followers to your prompts! You have quite a fan base 🙂 Are you currently writing any books based off these inspiring beginnings? Do you have time to still teach writing?

    Hugs, Barbara


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    • Thanks so much Barb. I love that you still read my blog. I have so many books I want to write from some of my blog stories. Give me 10 more hours a day would you? 😘


    • Thank you so much Bernadette. I like to write them short and fast and fun and I love my readers’ reactions like yours. Thank you so much for reading and commenting and being a fan as I am a fan of your blog as well. Happy baking! my grandson and I just did a large batch of snickerdoodles yesterday. No matter how old they get they never stop loving the baking .🧡


  5. Pam, you know how to turn a reader’s expectations upside down! 😀 A super twist and I feel for Rachel! Now, I’m riveted by the story and just don’t want it to end here – I want more, much more! 😀 Superb writing, as always my friend and thank you for sharing here! Hugs xx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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