The Writing Secret “The writing class dug out my neuroses in 30 minutes,” Susie claimed.

Her therapist nodded, eyebrows raised.

“I mean, I’ve been seeing you for five months and all you say to me is ‘how does that make you feel?’” Susie continued, pushing her bangs away from her eyes. “Yet in the class I attended on a whim, I discovered things I never knew about myself!” Continue reading


Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

I’m a writer, so I love to eavesdrop. In fact, I encourage my creative writing students to listen to conversations unobtrusively and often.

But I do wonder what listening to someone else’s discussion has to do with an eave (the edge of a roof that overhangs the side of a building) dropping. So, as a writer/researcher, I look up the origins of the word. Continue reading

The Strange Undeniable Truth

fiction, non-fiction, truth, writingMost often, stories that seem too amazing, too strange, too, well just too too, are the most real stories in our lives.

I know that’s the case for me.

I write fictional novels, because many would find events in my life just too unbelievable. Yet, when we all look deep into some of our experiences, aren’t they too wild for fiction?Mark Twain, truth stranger than fiction

Mark Twain hit the mark (!) when he declared: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

SO HERE’S THE TRUTH. (From last week’s post True…? or False?)  Continue reading