Earbud Meditation

earbuds, meditation, Image by ai subarasiki from Pixabay I seize the opportunity to use my new earbuds, a gift to myself last December that I still hadn’t figured out how to use. Not sure why I had felt such a need to buy them except for the fact that I watched my two grandchildren – 11 and 12 – walk around their house smiling as they listened to a book (or music?) with small white objects stuck in their ears. Continue reading

As Easy as ABC

walking, woods, path









Although I need to be part of the world that consists of

Bees and dirt, trees and highways, humans and

Confusion, hate and division, wonder and waste

Destruction and construction of a solid space, I

Envy those who find it easy to close their eyes and

Find themselves in another place, another dimension

Green with hope and love and vibrantly violet with

Happiness that shines through the windows of their souls. Continue reading

The Specialist

muse, writing, creativity, Pixabay“I’m not sure this is possible,” she says to me in a not altogether nice way. In fact, she’s rather blunt.

“Pleeese?” I plead. “I heard that you’re the best. I wasn’t even sure how to find you. I Googled first, of course, but no answer appeared about how to locate someone with your skills.”

She rolls her large, turquoise eyes. Continue reading

Heart Beats

heartbeat, grandparenting, Pixabay, Apple watchI open my daughter’s refrigerator and frown. Hot dogs. Chicken nuggets. Left-over spaghetti. Root beer.

When I’d received my daughter’s desperate plea: “Can you come watch the kids? We have to go to a town meeting and the babysitter just bailed,” it was almost past my bedtime (kidding, kinda) – 7:00 p.m. My guy and I had just finished dinner and on a whim, I brought the leftovers. Continue reading

The Weight of Thoughts

meditation, yogaSometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of my thoughts. And that’s wrong, all wrong, so I strain more in the down dog position, where my arms and wrists and shoulders take on the weight of my trunk.

My trunk. What a word for my body, which is pack full of multi-grain toast now at 9 in the morning, as well as three cups of hot green tea that have not found a way to warm my fingers, cold down to the bone. Continue reading