Broken Glass

birds, bird feeder, silhouette, early morningI pull on my Keen’s and yell to my guy, “I’m off to the post office and CVS.” The day is as glorious as a soft silhouette, so no car-choring for me. I’ll walk instead.

But as I stroll on the side road near our home that leads to a busier, 2-lane street, something glints in the middle of the narrow road. Bright, shiny sharp light found only from shards of glass. Continue reading

Here and Where

weighty thoughts, paperweight, blogThe music takes me away from my writing chair here and brings me to where. Any where I want to go. On this morning, I’d like to go back to the weekend, where my son-in-law sets an individual lava cake ramekin in front of me, proud of his accomplishment, beaming in my praise.

Sons-in-law have it tough, I muse now as a chilly May breeze blows through my window, bird song following with twirling high notes of friendly greetings.

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