As Easy as ABC

walking, woods, path









Although I need to be part of the world that consists of

Bees and dirt, trees and highways, humans and

Confusion, hate and division, wonder and waste

Destruction and construction of a solid space, I

Envy those who find it easy to close their eyes and

Find themselves in another place, another dimension

Green with hope and love and vibrantly violet with

Happiness that shines through the windows of their souls. Continue reading

The End

the beginning, the endAs much as I’d like to come up with my own famous quote– like Shakespeare’s “to be or not to be,” I can’t find one in my writer’s creative basket for “the end.”

However, I can write an acrostic:



Either we continue on from whence we came, or

Nodding off to another level, we

Divine that the end was just the beginning. Continue reading