Dreamy Shadows


shadows, palm trees, Hawaii

Some of us are happy

enjoying all we see;

we smile at silver snowdrops

that glisten from a tree.

snowfall, New Hampshire, winter

Our outlook may be fuzzy

and we frequently get lost,

chuckling at the tiny babe

whose beauty does not cost.

baby, laughing baby

 Our faces can get dreamy

as we gaze upon a cloud

and watch a scene of pure delight

that moves us to a vow

 clouds, SF bay, San Francisco

We make a promise to ourselves

to never lose our sights,

to always search the small and dark

while others have their lights.

 Golden Gate Bridge, egret, foggy morning

For though we miss the obvious

and can’t tell east from west;

the shadows speak from deeper depths;

and we gain more not less.

Richardson Bay, Marin County, sunset

39 thoughts on “Dreamy Shadows

    • Hope you’re enjoying the shadows in winterized, winter-sized ND. Sometimes harder to see the beauty in bare branches, but sometimes, it’s a sharper, more complex and miraculous beauty to behold.


  1. Brilliant – and yes, that was a feeble attempt at irony 😉 It is so true, however, that when I choose to turn over every rock, peek into every corner, and continue to ask questions, I do realize that there is so much to be gained that I never even imagined was there in the first place. Thanks for sharing – beautiful imagery and evocative words 🙂


    • Thank YOU for your affirmations. They mean a lot. Sometimes my family gets a little exasperated at my peeking under those rocks, (and yet getting lost trying to find the grocery store), but with my poetry, I can get in the last word. Hahaha!

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so excited to see you here! I admit, I raced to your blog to see if you were there too, but alas. you’re still on sabbatical. But that’s okay, I’m honored you peeked into my shadows here. Blessings to you!


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