Willing with the Wind

The stranger pulled off the hood of his cloak to reveal curly black hair, a cleft on his chin, and a quizzical expression on his handsome face. “I think we have a lot to discuss, my friend. Are you willing?”

He held out his hand. Nora clasped it like a woman drowning, even though she hadn’t known she’d been sinking.

“Yes,” she replied. (Are You Willing?)

But immediately Nora pulled her hand away.

  • She was willing to explore the woods in the deep of night when even the owls nodded off.
  • She was willing to pretend she was a normal human during the day when she taught college psychology, even though no psychologist could figure her out.
  • She was willing to visit psychics to figure out why she was the only human who needed no sleep.

But Nora wasn’t sure she was willing to explore the answers about who, or what, she really was with this dark-haired stranger who gave her the shivers. Continue reading